Jan 15, 2011


I believe that what you are seeing here is a product of something that Jose Julio’s daughter said to him: “Dad, can you build a robot for me?”
Man, if my daughter asked me that, I would try to deliver as much as I could. Still, I could never make a product of this quality. Granted, the ArduSpider has a certain DIY quality, but mine would probably be made of Lego and would require an instruction booklet.
It would also have been poorly assembled, but this Arduino-based ArduSpider robot looks better than the Anti-Gravity WebRunner toy that we reported about a while ago. Check out the video after the jump.
The ArduSpider robot can be controlled remotely and can also be autonomously operated. Best of all, it can do a lot of tricks like gymnastics and such. It could probably do a flip if it could ever get off its back. All the aforementioned Webrunner could do was climb walls through vacuum suction power.
I have got some words of advice to Jose Julio. Find a way to make a kit and market it so fathers everywhere can build an ArduSpider for their children. Better yet, have the children build it themselves. This is definitely is the Zoids of this generation.


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